is a Japanese paper used for clothing as a substitute for cloth.
We continue to produce in accordance with the old-fashioned manufacturing method of “KAWA SARASHI” = natural bleaching and “ITA TUKE TENPI HOSHI” = Sun-dried on the wood board, and retain the world’s rare old-fashioned Japanese paper.

Senkashi is a famous Japanese paper, as listed in the Japanese dictionary. Japanese paper is called “washi” or “washi paper.”
Senkashi is said to have originated during the Tenshou Era (1573-1593) after the end of the Warring States period. Following the collapse of the Iyo-Saionji family, a military commander named Tarouemon Doi who served the family became a priest and retired to the current Anraku Temple in Nomura Town, Seiyo City in Ehime Prefecture, where he began to create the new washi paper. Other washi papers date back to the Heian (794-1192) and Kamakura (1192-1333) periods, and compared to them, Senkashi paper is a relatively young washi paper.
After that, the production of this washi paper was promoted as a business product of the Uwajima clan (and the Yoshida clan that was formed by the division), and Senkashi became a special product of Iyo-Uwajima. More than 100 years after his death, Tarouemon Doi was awarded in the paper industry by being honored the posthumous Buddhist name “Seizyoin Houzan Senka Koji.” The name of the paper “Senkashi” derives from this award.
Senkashi is made by a unique method in which one of the two wet sheets of paper, immediately after being lifted, is turned over and overlaid into one. It has excellent properties when used like cloth, such as for paper clothes and, in particular, paper treated with persimmon astringent, which has moisture-proof, antiseptic, and insect-repellent effects. It is also used as material for making equipment such as paper bags, rain gear, and paper containers.
From the end of the Edo (1603-1867) period to the beginning of the Meiji (1868-1912) era, there was a person in the village of Izumi (now Kihoku Town) in the Kitauwa District of Ehime Prefecture called Azechi Ruikichi, who added original improvements to the method of making Senkashi. He succeeded in creating extremely high quality paper. The paper became famous as “Ruikichi paper,” and his method was propagated and established in this area. The area around the village of Izumi in Kihoku Town (around the Oguwa District) will continue to develop into the largest source of Senkashi. Eventually, Ruikichi paper became known as “Oguwa Chuzen ” and was established as a brand of Senkashi.
In the Showa (1926-1989) era, the quantity of plastic industrial products increased sharply, so the industrial use of washi paper dramatically decreased, and the demand for thick paper was lost in Japan. Under such circumstances, abrasive material manufacturers found that Oguwa Chuzen paper had excellent industrial characteristics, and the production expanded as demand for sandpaper mounts increased. This was the main use of
post-war Senkashi, but eventually synthetic paper was used for the mount of sandpaper, and production of Senkashi was cut off in 1969.
In 1985, for the purpose of handing down the tradition and industrial science of Oguwa Chuzen, the Senkashi Preservation Society was formed by local volunteers, and washi paper production was restored. Washi paper making that preserves the old-fashioned manufacturing method is still being continued.

戦国時代末期の天正年間(1573~1593年)に伊予・西園寺家に仕えていた土居太郎右衛門という武将が西園寺家滅亡の後、出家・隠遁して現在の愛媛県 西予市 野村町の安楽寺にて厚紙を漉き始めたのが起源であると伝えられています。他産地の和紙には、始まりが平安・鎌倉期まで遡るものも珍しくはなく、それらと比べると、泉貨紙は比較的歴史の浅い和紙と言えます。